
tiny biceps, chicken legs, and bad bangs

But beautiful bass, scintillating lyrics, unadulterated guitar, seductive drumming, and an oh-so-savory voice... Man, I heart them.

Some more old school KOL:

Love love the vibe of this video - Caleb's Farrah-hair and the constant color blocks, this one's definitely for you hipsters on your 70's hand-me-down couch, too cool for school, tokin' it up and passing the Doritos. (yes, i did just use 'vibe' and 'tokin' it up' in a sentence)

Cue some more current KOL (minus the bad bangs):
Not better, not worse, just different.

One more, for the crazy eyes:

Le sigh 

And this is why I want to Bonnaroo..
Cause I like to dance all night (it summons the day)

But... that's how I play
    Yeah, that's how I play

I said who are you?  ... Don't matter who you are - cause We dance all night and dance all day
 (re: Manhattan)
(I know, I'm lame...I could do this all day though)

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